Make Your Fathers Proud

Click here to read a letter from the founder

Make a Difference

Join the Crowd (fund)

We are seeking $2 million USD in startup money from crowd sourced funding - small donations from a large number of contributors. Our goal is simple. Create a website dedicated to selling premium American made apparel, furnishings, and any cool stuff we find along the way. We want to build the brands that are re-building American manufacturing. To that end we are asking for your contribution to the cause.

Two Ways to Contribute and be Recognized

Spare Change

Individual Contribution - Patriot List Recognition

A Hamilton, a Jackson, a Grant, or a Franklin. Whatever you can spare will make a lasting difference. Don't leave it up to big business or Washington - their actions are louder than words. It has got to come from individual contributors or it is not going to come at all. Believe you can start a movement, contibute today, and get your name listed on our Patriots page.

Million Pixel

The Million Dollar Banner Page

In 2006, Alex Tew made internet history selling one million pixels for one dollar a pixel. It was a great idea that made internet history. If you missed the chance to place a banner on his website, you have another chance on ours. It is for a great cause - supporting American Made Goods, and you get 10 years of advertising for $1.00 a pixel (minimum 100 pixel purchase required).